Thursday, August 23, 2012

مدينة العرب...

تهويد القدس هو مصطلح يستخدم لتعريف الأفعال التي تقوم بها إسرائيل كدولة, و الإسرائيليين كمواطنين لتغير ملامح القدس العربية.

القدس هي مدينة بناها اليبوسيين, و هم قبيلة كنعانية سكنت فلسطين قديماً, قبل هروب موسى عليه السلام من جيش فرعون. بُنيت المدينة بإسم بناتها, فسموها يابوس. في الألفية الرابعة قبل الميلاد, إقتحمت جيوش النبي داوود, بأمر من الله ليدخل القدس, و بالفعل, إنتصروا بني إسرائيل على اليابوسيين, و بدائوا بتغير ملامح المدينة الكنعانية, بتغير إسمها, من يابوس, إلى أورشاليم, أو مدينة السلام, و ظلت القدس مدينة يهودية, حتى ظهور المسيحية. إضطهاد اليهود من قبل الإمبراطورية الرومانية, و فقدت القدس معالمها اليهودية, لتكون أحد المدن المقدسة في المسيحية, خصوصاً لنشئة المسيحية فيها, و ظهور المسيح في فلسطين عموماً و القدس خاصتاً, و أخذت المدينة, بسكانها المستنصرين طابعاً جديداً, و تبنوا لغتاً جديدة, و هي الآرامية, و لم تبنى بنوا القدس طابعاً جديداً, ثم جاء الإسلام, ليفتح مدن الشرق القديمة, و ليبني هوية جديدة موحدة له, ممزوجة ببعض, فإمتزجت اللهجات, و الثقافات, و الفن, و الموسيقى, ليصبح للشرق هوية و ثقافة واحدة, و هي الثقافة العربية, فأغنوها, و طوروها, لتكون فريدة من نوعها, و لتكون ثقافة قوية قادرة علي الصمود في وجه أي ثقافة أخرى, بل من شدة قوتها, اعتنقت الثقافات المحيطة لها الكثير منها, في تركيا, و بلاد فارس, و دول جنوب الصحراء, و حتى دول المتوسط, فالثقافة العربية سهلة التميز في إسبانيا, و إيطاليا, و قبرص, و اليونان, و مالطة الحديثة. و ظلت هذة الثقافة تنموا و تتطور, لتستوعب كل الثقافات القديمة في الشرق, في مصر القبطية, و العراق الأشورية, و الشام الآرامية انذاك, ليصبحوا مستعربين, و عرب.
تظل القدس مدينة السلام, لكن في الكتب, و الروايات. ففعلياً واجهت مدينة القدس غزاةً عدة, من الصالبيين, و التتار, و العثمانيين, و البريطانيين, و أخيراً, مع تائسيس دولة إسرائيل عام 1948, و مع إحتلال القدس عام 1967, تواجه الأن المدينة خطراً جديد, خطر التهويد... فأردت ان أبداء بحثي عن هذا الخطر, و ما سر عدم إكتراث المجتمع الدولى لهذة القضية الهامة, التي قد تحدد مستقبل المدينة في أي تسوية مستقبلية بين العرب و الإسرائيليين.

تصفحت في عدة صحف و قرأت عدة مقالات من الإنترنت, و ذهلت من حجم التهويد الذي يتم في القدس.
بدأت في قرائة أول القوانين التي تم سنها لضم القدس الشرقية الى الدولة اليهودية الحديثة.
عام 1967, تم التصويت على قانون في الكنسيت (البرلمان الإسرائيلي) و سمي بقانون القدس, و كانت مبادئه كالتالي:
1.    أورشليم القدس الكاملة الموحدة هي عاصمة إسرائيل.
2.    القدس هي مقر الرئاسة، الكنيست، الحكومة والمحكمة العليا.
3.    تحمى الأماكن المقدسة في القدس من أية محاولة لانتهاكها أو منع الوصول الحر إليها.
4.    تتمتع القدس بأولوية في مشاريع الحكومة التطويرية.
5.    تمنح الحكومة لبلدية أورشليم القدس ميزانية سنوية خاصة لتطوير المدينة.
و من هنا, بدأت حكاية تهويد القدس. فعملية التهويد في المدينة شملت الأسماء العربية, و المعالم الحضارية, و حتى الأراضي و البيوت. ففي عام 1967, تم إنتشال حارة المغاربة بأكملة, لتنضم لحارة اليهود, و تم نقل السكان الفلسطينيين الى خارج المدينة, ليتم إستبدالهم بمهاجرين يهود, و مع مرور الوقت, أعتقد العالم ان الحي اليهودي, هو حي قديم من أحياء القدس. في عام 1970, تم توسيع الحي ليشمل اجزاء من حارة الأرمن. بالرغم من أن تم العديد من الإنتهاكات من قبل الجيوش العربية يوم دخولها القدس عام 1948. إلا أن في عام 1970, بدأت إسرائيل في التوسع في حارة الأرمان, و إعادة تسمية أهم شوارع القدس القديمة.

و من هنا, بدأت إسرائيل في التحرك السريع, و القوي لتهويد القدس, و طمس هويتها العربية, إسلامية كانت او مسيحية. التهويد بدأء بمصادرة الأراضي, و الإستيطان, من خلال ضم مناطق أخرى خارج القدس القديمة لتكون ضمن حدود المدين’ مما أضاف للمدينة حوالي 20,000 ساكن يهودي, و اليوم باتت المدينة العربية محاصرة بكتل إستيطانية لتقلب الميزان الديمغرافي للمدينة.

الخطوة الثانية التي سعت الدولة الصهيونية في تفعيلها, هو تهجير الفلسطينيين, و سحب الهويات منهم, لتكوين  واقع جديد يكون فيه اليهود النسبة الغالبة في المدينة. و تمت هذة الخطوة على الملاء, فتصريحات رئساء وزراء إسرائيل كانت واضحة, فقالوا:
أرئيل شارون: 
أن القدس ملك لإسرائيل وأنها لن تكون بعد اليوم ملكا للأجانب.
 شيمون بيرز:هناك ضرورة للتهجير الجماعي للفلسطينيين من مدينة القدس والذين يقدر عددهم بنحو 
240 ألف مواطن.

و بدأت المخططات الإستيطانية لهدم 68 مسكن, و تشريد 200 أسرة مقدسية. لكن لم تقف عملية التهويد هنا فقط, بل شملت أيضاً تهويد الآثار, و المنشئات, و المقدسات العربية, الإسلامية, و المسيحية.
اليوم, تعتمد أربع مسارات متوازية لتهويد القدس, من خلال الثقافة, الجغرافيا, الديموفرافيا, و الهوية الدينية. فتم إعادة تسمية القدس في كل اللائحات, و اليفط لتصبح أورشاليم, بدلاً من القدس, حتى اليفط المكتوبة بالعربية, الخطوة الثانية هي من خلال تطويق المدينة العتيقة, ذات أغلبية عربية مسيحية و مسلمة, بمستوطنات, لتعزلها عن باقي الضفى الغربية, الفلسطينية. كما تضخ مؤسسات تعليمية المال في المدارس الواقعة في القدس, لتعليم تاريخ القدس اليهودي فقط, في المدارس العربية القديمة. كما هناك الخطر الدائم من الإقتحامات لساحات المسجد الأقصى, و هو من أقدس الأماكن لدى المسلمين. فيقطحمة اليهود المتطرفين تارة, و الجنود الإسرائيليين تارة أخرى, بالإضافة الى تدشين و إعادة بناء الكثير من الكنس حول ساحة المسجد الأقصى, بقباب عالية, تكاد ان تضاهي قبة الصخرة الشهيرة, بقبتها الذهبية, و التي أصبحت رمزًللقدس.
ديموغرافياً تعد القدس اليوم مدينة منقسمة الى 35% فلسطينيين مسلمون, و مسيحيون, و 65% من اليهود, و من المتوقع ان تصل الزيادة السكانية الفلسطينية الى 40% بنهاية هذا العقد, ,لذا تسعى اليوم حكومة نتنياهو من إنشاء العديد من المستوطنات الجديدة حتى تقلب الديمغرافيا في القدس, ففي عام 2007, تم إعتماد ميزانية في إسرائيل ب200 مليون دولار, لجذب سكان يهود للسكن في القدس.
جخرافياً, تمكنت إسرائيل من العزل التام بين القدس العايقة, و البقية من الضفة الغربية, من خلال الجدار العازل, حيث أصبح يمثل واقعاً لحدود تفرضها إسرائيل, لتدخل من و تمنع من تشاء لأرض معترف بها دولياً بأنها أراضي فلسطينية محتله.

وإعلاميًا تدير إسرائيل معركة "التهويد" بطريقة لا تقل أهمية وتأثيرًا عما تقوم به على الأرض، حيث تروج للقدس عالميًا كمدينة يهودية، وذلك من خلال تنظيم الجولات السياحية في المدينة وفق مسارات يتجاهل المقدسات الإسلامية بالمدينة، إضافة إلى إقامة جعلها منطلقًا ومقرًا لإقامة المهرجانات والاحتفالات بالمناسبات اليهودية الدينية والقومية.
كما تروج حكومة نتنياهو إعلاميًا لأحقية اليهود في إقامة صلواتهم بالمسجد الأقصى، و إن محاولات الجماعات الدينية المستمرة لدخول الأقصى إنما ينبع من حرصهم على إقامة شعائرهم دونما رغبة منهم في استفزاز الفلسطينيين الذين لا يحترمون كون المدينة متعددة الثقافات والأديان، وذلك كخطوة خبيثة تهدف إلى تدشين أمر واقع جديد يتمثل فيما يتم الترويج له حاليًا من تقسيم الأقصى مناصفة بين المسلمين واليهود على غرار ما آل إليه حال الحرم الإبراهيمي بالخليل، أو تدويله باعتباره تراثًا إنسانيًا مشتركًا لا يخص العرب أو المسلمين وحدهم.
في رائي الخاص, فأنا أرى ان نتنياهو يرفض وقف الإستيطان مقابل بدء مباحثات السلام مع القلسطينيين, هو دليل قاطع على انه يحاول شراء الوقت, ليعزز المكانة اليهودية في القدس, و ليسرع من عملية التهويد, و هذا و يتضح هذا من خلال نسبة الزيادة في بناء المستوطنات شرقي القدس, كما هو في إعتقادى ان عملية تهويد القدس, هو السبب الرئيسي لرفض العضوية الفلسطينية, فهذة العضوية, ستتمكن فلسطين من منع إسرائيل من تنفيذ مخططاتها من تهويد لمدينة معترف بها من قبل الأمم المتحدة انها عاصمةً لدولة فلسطين العربية. يجب على العرب ان يحاربوا هذا التهويد, و ليس بالديبلوماسية, إنما بالمال, من خلال شراء أسهم, و السيطرة على نفوذ الشركات و المؤسسات التي تعمل على تهويد القدس, و حثها على فعل العكس, و هو تعريب القدس..


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Interview with

About Muftah...
Muftah launched in May 2010 to provide incisive analysis on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) that eschewed Western obsessions with terrorism, oil, and Islamism and, instead, highlighted issues and concerns that mattered to the region’s people.
While they believe this work is crucial to improving foreign policy toward MENA, they also aim to move beyond the policymaking community to reach a broader audience in the MENA region and English-speaking world interested in understanding, supporting, or participating in the indigenous, grassroots efforts currently underway to transform regional countries.
The Arab Spring has taught them that the key to positive political and social change lies at the intersection of various disciplines. With this philosophy in mind, Muftah features articles on the social sciences as well as on topics like art, culture, music, and innovation/entrepreneurship. By featuring analysis from a variety of different sectors, they hope to highlight the opportunities for socio-political change that exist at these inflection points, and to encourage those in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as those who care about the region, to adopt a more holistic approach to understanding and improving MENA.
Muftah is committed to fostering free and open debate about regional issues by featuring articles from diverse (sometimes conflicting) perspectives and working with a large and eclectic group of writers that include academics, practitioners, activists, and members of the MENA diasporas.
As the region continues to change and transform, they hope in a positive direction, Muftah are committed in evolving with it.
I have had relations with Muftah members through my twitter account, and have participated in several twitter chats concerning regional topics, i was then contacted by the editor of chief, Maryam Jamshidi, for an Interview concerning Shayfeencom...
To Follow Muftah on Twitter - @muftahorg
To Like Muftah on Facebook - /muftahmagazine

Q: Shayfeencom, which means “We Are Watching You” in Arabic, was founded in 2005 to support free speech and democracy in Egypt. Tells us a bit about the organization’s early days. How broad was its membership, what sort of projects and initiatives was the organization involved with, and how successful was its work?
Ahmed Hafez (AH): Shayfeencom began as a movement to end corruption. Its message was clear: although the old regime believed people were blind to its corruption, Egyptians had always been aware of these practices despite their silence. We named the movement “Shayfeencom” to send a message to the regime that we were not blind and could see its corruption.
The movement was launched by three women, Engie El-Haddad, a marketing professional, Bothaina Kamel, a news anchor on Egyptian national television, and Ghada Shahbendar, an academic. At the start, Shayfeencom’s membership was limited, and far less broad than it is today.
The movement began with a campaign to monitor Egypt’s 2005 parliamentary elections. As documented by a Shayfeencom report, there were over 4,000 cases of electoral irregularities throughout the country. Based on these incidents, we filed an official lawsuit with Egypt’s General Prosecutor.
The Prosecutor’s office failed to acknowledge our claim so we turned to the Judge’s Syndicate, an organization providing support to Egypt’s judges and coordinating judicial lobbying efforts. Through the syndicate, we were connected with judges willing to assist us with our claim.
The regime responded by bringing suit against those members of the judiciary supporting Shayfeencom’s legal efforts. The regime also brought libel charges against the movement’s founding members. Although many of the cases were fabricated, several leading judges supporting our movement were imprisoned, including Judge Hisham Bastawisi, Judge Zakaria Abdel Aziz, and Judge Ahmed Mekki. These judges were later released after the 2006 Judges Protest.
In the early days, our most successful work involved sidestepping stated-controlled media and using the internet and social media, particularly YouTube, to report events inside the country, a strategy that has subsequently become very popular in the region.

Q: How did Shayfeencom respond to the early days of the Egyptian revolution?
AH: Since 2008 and after release of the BBC documentary on Shayfeencom, Egypt’s state security curtailed the movement’s activities. However, we soon resurfaced under the name “Egyptians Against Corruption” (EAC) and sued the government to force implementation of the UN Convention Against Corruption, which the Egyptian government had signed in 2003.
EAC worked with the April 6th Movement and the “We Are All Khaled Said” Facebook page to rally for the January 25, 2011 protest.
Following the Revolution, EAC and Shayfeencom merged under the Shayfeencom banner.

Q: How has the organization’s work changed and developed since Mubarak’s ouster?
AH: After the re-establishment of Shayfeencom, our methods changed dramatically. In 2005, we knew using social media would be a revolutionary idea. We believed Shayfeencom’s rebirth should be even stronger and more revolutionary, stretching beyond Egypt to the rest of the Arab world.
We began preparing for the recent Egyptian presidential elections months before it was announced, collecting thousands of volunteers from across Egypt’s 27 governorates. We provided these volunteers with training, and, through word of mouth, our work reached tens of thousands of official and non-official election monitors.
Members of the public took it upon themselves to keep an eye out for electoral irregularities. If a citizen witnessed a violation, he would call our hotline to report it. Reports were also coming in through our Twitter account and Facebook page. Reported violations would immediately appear on our website, as unconfirmed. A few minutes later, official monitors would either confirm or deny the reports. In just two days, we received reports of over 1,000 violations from every corner of Egypt.
At the same time, we have remained true to our roots and have continued to act as a watchdog, anti-corruption movement. Our movement will continue to further its work through the internet, which allows us to more easily document violations while also making our work more effective and accessible and harder for the government to control.

Q: How collaborative is Shayfeencom’s work? Does the group work with other kinds of organizations inside Egypt?
AH: Yes, we collaborate with several organizations, some of which adopt our initiatives and others which use Shayfeencom as a method to report violations. We have previously collaborated with Egypt’s Kifaya movement, which aims to positively influence democratic life in Egypt, the March 9 movement, which advocates for the independence of Egypt’s public universities, and several Egyptian political parties.

Q: Has Shayfeencom’s work broadened to reach other countries in the region?
AH: While I am not fully aware of the places where Shayfeencom has spread, we do know there were plans for creating branches in Lebanon, Jordan, and Yemen.  We have had very little contact with these groups, but hope to collaborate with them in the future.

Q: How do you see Shayfeencom’s work developing in the future?
AH: I believe we have started something that will continue beyond our lifetime. Our strength lies in having no political orientation or affiliation. We are fighting against forces that go beyond political ideologies and differences. We are a large group of people who self fund the organization to benefit Egypt, and to bring an end to decades of corruption. I believe our work will expand to include health, education, media, and other pressing social issues. I can only hope that the day Shayfeencom ceases to exist is the day Egypt is ranked among the least corrupt countries.

*Ahmed Hafez is a founding member of Shayfeencom.
for Full Original Interview on the Muftah Website click the link below.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Killers of Sinai

Sinai, seen by young Egyptians whom never witnessed the wars, as a haven for peace, partying, beaches, and plenty of under-developed infrastructure. Seen by the elder Egyptians who actually lived the wars, as a place that has witnessed every Egyptian-Israeli conflict, until the peace agreement some 40 years ago. An Agreement that prohibited Egypt from deploying its strong arsenal in its lands, in return for peace with Israel that is.

Developing Sinai was the only thing awaiting it after its liberation from Israeli occupation, and indeed, the following years, the 60,000 km2 peninsula (triple the size of Israel) has seen massive private development in the Tourism and agriculture sectors. something that has pushed its population up to over 1,300,000 citizen and where none of its 600,000 native Bedouins either have the right to own their lands, or participate in the military service.

Economically, the peninsula has not seen major infrastructure improvements, even though it has great potential for agriculture, and trade development, but its vast deserts has left little interest in developing the heart of its lands, and made the private investors only seek developing its beautiful famous beaches and shores that attract millions of annual tourists.

Demographically, the peninsula has a majority of Bedouin Tribesmen who benefited from the tourism development, but some remained to use the lack of military and police existence in the lands to survive on illegal trade, drugs and weapons. Meanwhile, the radical Islamists whom have been living in a haven of unsecured lands, (due to the peace agreement) have been flourishing for 40 years.

Following the 25th January revolution, the Bedouins have returned to back to their drugs and weapons business, due to the lack of tourism, in the peninsula, and lack of control over weapons business with nearby chaotic Gaza.

Having that said, we need to know the scenarios of what happened. the official story that all seems to agree on is that a group of "terrorists" attacked the border point with Israel of Karam Salem, killing roughly 15 Egyptian guard, stealing two of their armored Vehicals and invading Israel with them, naturally Israel destroyed them both.

Scenario #1 - Israel
Usually, when ANYTHING happens in Sinai, the public tends to automatically blame it on Israel, our "eternal" enemy, with people saying that they are the only people to benefit from such attacks. 
Only reason why Israel would do such thing is to highlight the militias problems in Sinai, and force the Egyptian public to pressure its newly elected Government to end the tunnels from Sinai to Gaza, which helps these "insurgents" whom are causing instability to the peninsula.OK, lets be reasonable, why would Israel risk peace with the Strongest Arab state and ask for an open war with Egypt, when they are facing huge threats from Iran, and are terrified from what is going on in Syria? Why would the state of Israel, that currently has Ehud Barak as Minister of Defense, (previous Prime minister of Israel) whom happens to be one of the best peace calling Politicians in the country, to spark a war or tensions against Egypt?
Why would Israel risk the fragile peace with Egypt just to kill 15 soldiers?

Scenario #2 - Jihadists
Which happens to be the Official story shared by the other groups so far. This could be true to an extent, but  Jihadists in Sinai are not rich enough to carry out such attacks without either the finance, help or orders of others, and why would the "Islamist" Jihadists carry out such an attack. President Morsi, who happened to free 12 of the "الجماعة الإسلاميه" (associated with Terrorism in Egypt, including Assassination of Sadat, and Mubarak attempt) is probably seen as an idol, for freeing people that share the same ideology, so such attacks from the Jihadists, just two days after their "brothers" were freed would cause some embarrassment to the newly Elected "Islamist" President.

Scenario #3 - Ikhwan / Morsi
I believe in this phrase of "History repeats itself", and following every revolution in History, the most powerful group always comes in power, and this group usually tends to eliminate any possible political power that could take control. so how does the successful power eliminate and align the public behind its legitimacy?
Gamal Abdel-Nasser aligned his opposition behind him when he announced that the Foreigners and Jews where stealing the Egyptians from their economy, and had a huge inside battle against them. Sadat did the same when he called for "Infitah" or the policy of opening the door, which angered his 1952 coup colleagues, and ended with him eliminating them in what he called "thawret al-Tasheeh" (correction revolt). Similar to what Nasser did happened in almost all revolutions. it was obvious to the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) that the  civil power was far to strong to be eliminated right now, and it seems that he has been lately trying to attract them, with meeting with the US regime, and talks of stability with Israel, and the Independence of Media (which has been attacked recently by extremists), perhaps he is trying to align the public opinion that is currently outraged from the MB, and are calling for a revolution against the Ikhwan this month. Could the MB pushed the Jihadists to launch such stunt to show Morsi's strong image, and a leader that has an iron fist? Could Morsi and the MB actually doing these acts, to make the public fear an intervention from Israel in Sinai, which would align all Egyptians behind the president? Are they trying to impose a shared Enemy to Unify the public again, and to manage to win any nearby parliamentary Elections?

Scenario #4 - SCAF
Perhaps the purpose of the attacks was to embarrass  the newly elected President, perhaps it was to stop the Hamas-Ikhwan infiltration of the Governorate of North Sinai, thus South Sinai, with militias from Gaza, perhaps it is to have a stronger power in Sinai, perhaps it is to force Israel to accept the Egyptian Army to freely intervene in a Camp David unauthorized existence of the Egyptian Forces Zone. Could the Military of Egypt take the decision of killing 15 of its soldiers, in exchange for a better controlled Sinai? could the Military be looking to grab some Lands, and have Military investments in the area?
Another possible scenario for SCAF is that it wishes to keep its Military budget secret, and be able to take as much tax money as they wish, with the plea of securing Sinai.

To conclude this very long article, i just believe that we must learn not to always Blame Israel for all our problems, truth is, we have a lot of idiots running around this country saying and doing things that are not helpful for a strong powerful SOVEREIGN country. We must not be fooled by our Media, nor Our Corrupt Education, that has made us believe anything that is said from our officials, regardless how angelic they may seem, they all have their own agendas. We must LEARN to Stop, think, and decide for ourselves what to believe. Obviously i for one do not know what to believe, and can only hope for the future to reveal those behind these actions, and to be punished by an independent judicial system.

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